This was our first step out on the ice. He started with the small walker, but quickly found the big ones to work much better for him.
As for this little guy, this was as close as he got to ice skating. Instead, him and mom ran up and down the ramp to the rink about 50 times.
Talk about a trooper, he spent 90% of the time on his knees, back, or butt, but would always jump right up and keep on going. After about 30 minutes he came over to the side, so I figured he was probably exhausted and ready to go home (that or completely frustrated from falling down so much). NOPE-not our Tyson- instead he just wanted to make sure I saw: "how good I'm doing Mom!!"
There was no such thing as taking it slow. Instead, those legs were spinning just as fast as they could. It was amazing how much he improved in the 60 minutes he was out on the ice. There was a couple there skating that were quite impressed with his determination. As they said: "he has a lot of heart." I couldn't agree more!!
After skating straight for 60 minutes, everyone had to take a break for the Zamboni to come out and clean up the ice. Since it was 8pm we figured it was a good time to go home to get the boys to bed. Tyson was devastated that we had to leave. Lets just say there were tears shed, not to mention incessant begging to go back tomorrow to do it all again. We'll have to see.....