Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Oh Christmas Tree!

We...or I should say....the boys worked hard and got the Christmas tree decorated.  I forgot about taking pictures until they were all but done, but I wanted to make sure and document the occassion with at least one.  As you can see...Aiden dressed up for the occassion:)

Monday, November 26, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

We enjoyed another great Thanksgiving at our house with the entire Dunbar clan!  Everyone, except for Jean and Brian made it up on Wednesday evening. Thursday we just hung out enjoying everyone's company, since we weren't going to celebrate Thanksgiving until Saturday when Jean and Brian would be with us.   Brian had to work, and they weren't planning on making it up until late Friday.  Well, they surprised everyone and showed up late Thursday evening!  It was a great surprise, and also meant that "the girls" could do their annual Black Friday shopping together. :)
Kyra and Aiden wasted no time in playing games

Aiden also showed off his mad wrestling skills...unfortunately for Jessie..she was his assistant. )
  After all of the early morning shopping on Friday, we all just hung out and watched some football and made sure to rest up for the big Rush game on Friday night!
The crew waiting for the game to start.  Grandma Brenda, Uncle Terry, and Aunt Amy joined us for the fun this year

We had our 4 season ticket seats and then bought the rest of the tickets just up and to the right of us so we traded off seats...taking turns sitting in the "up close" season ticket seats.  It was a great game, and the Rush won which always makes it that much better! )
Check out those rowdy boys)

Saturday is when we celebrated Thanksgiving and had a big noon meal.  That evening we strolled into Storybook Island to check out all of the lights.
Things tend to get a little out of hand at times)
Uh-oh...Aiden caught Grammy kissin Santa Claus!

Aunt Meggie's hero....Barney! )

Check out those "hams"!!! )

Hangin out with the "Big Guy"
As always, the weekend went by way too fast, but we managed to have a blast...again...like we always do!  The kids had a blast playing together, and it's always so sad when everyone has to go back home.  We are already counting down the days when we will all get back together to celebrate Christmas!

Sunday, November 11, 2012


We had a bit of an exciting night last evening!  The boys were getting ready for bed around 8pm.  They were wound up as usual, and Aiden went sprinting into the bathroom and somehow tripped and fell head first into the toilet seat.  He immediately grabbed his forehead and started crying.  When I was finally able to get him to move his hands away it was immediately evident we would be making a trip into the ER!  His eyebrow was split wide open...poor little guy!
Scott drove him into the ER while Tyson and I stayed home.  Thankfully, they were taken back pretty quickly, and they put some topical lidocaine on his forehead while they waited for the Doctor to come back in and stitch him up.  He was very brave and never shed a tear!  Scott said the last stitch was a bit painful to watch as the lidocaine must have been wearing off.  Aiden's little toes curled and his legs stiffened, but he never shed a tear.  My tough little hockey player! :)

Scott even made sure to ask about playing hockey (Aiden's first official practice is on Tuesday), and the Dr. gave the O.K.  I'll just have to hold my breath for that hour...:)

Saturday, November 10, 2012


We got our first real measurable snow this morning, and the boys were begging to get out and "play in it!"  They wanted to shovel off the driveway...so who am to get in the way of their fun!:)

It only snowed for a couple of hours, but it came down quickly.  They did an awesome job working together...and getting the job done!  After they finished they came in and had some yummy hot chocolate!  Thanks boys for the job well done!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Trick or Treat

Marla, Tony, and the boys came over to do our annual trick-or-treating around Summerset.  One of Marla's friends and her husband and boy also came along.  We (like we do every year) had pizza for supper before heading out to find us some candy:)
Getting a quick bite to eat

One of many attempts to get a good group picture...Landon (Marla's friend's boy) is on the far right

Geez... wonder why Cooper is so upset...I mean...look who's holding him! :)

We met up with Tara, Brian, Carsyn, Gabby, and Maddi, so we had quite the crew.
Getting everyone together before heading out

and we're off!!

The kids are old enough now (except Cooper and Landon) that they were running from house to house in excitement!  They had a blast all going together!

Waiting for everyone to get their treats before heading to the next house

The 2 little guys were so patient with the whole process...they just chilled in their wagon chewing on wrappers of candy.. since their mothers had cut them off...fun haters:)
 After what seemed like forever (probably close to an hour and a half) the boys were getting tired, so we headed back to the house so they could hand out candy themselves.
Silly boys

Aiden even needed a lift the last few houses.  Thank goodness for Dad! :)

Our adorable little trick-or-treaters!  Check out the 2 sillies on the right...priceless:)  Not sure what's up with Tyson...and Cooper is just wondering how he got stuck in the middle:)

The boys ended up with a ton of candy, and we all had a great time!