We loaded up the troops and headed down to celebrate Easter with the Dunbar clan this last weekend! We left as soon as Scott got home from work on Friday, so were able to have all day Saturday for fun and games!
Tyson loves his little cousin/buddy....Barrett |
The three amigos |
It didn't take long at all for the 2 boys to head out Saturday morning to cruise on the lawn mower!
Aiden has never drove it by himself before, so you can imagine my surprise (and a little bit of terror:) when Poppy told me to come look out the window...and this is what I saw!
Looks like he's having a blast! |
Driving like a pro |
I'm surprised they didn't wear the road out from the hundreds of laps they had to have taken while we were down there! Aiden did pretty good, considering he has never done it by himself. He couldn't reach the pedals, however, so when it came time to stop Tyson had to jump out of the wagon and run up and push the break in...no big deal really:) We only had one minor incident, which included a flower pot of Grammy's that will not longer be of much use (apparently Tyson didn't make it up to the pedals in time to stop before they went crashing into Poppy's garbage can, and Grammy's flower pot)! Aiden came right in to tell us what happened with big Crocodile tears. He felt so bad for breaking Grammy's flower pot...but Grammy was awesome and gave Aiden a big hug... letting him know she wasn't mad...wiping away his tears! Thanks Grammy....and we really are sorry about your flower pot!
Uncle Scott hangin with Barrett |
Tyson and Barrett going for a 4 wheeler ride |
We also went across to the baseball fields Saturday afternoon for a couple of hours and had a rousing game of baseball. I was busy playing, so unfortunately have no pictures to show for it.:( The boys had a blast, though, and were complete dirt from head to toe by the time Saturday night came.
We also squeezed in coloring Easter eggs Saturday afternoon...after all....Grammy had 4 dozen of the little buggers to color, so it was serious business! :)
Aiden went shirtless.. we figured that was safest:) |
Barrett giving it a try |
Poppy even got in on the action |
the finished product...we may have eaten a few in the process :) |
Luckily, the Easter Bunny found his way to Grammy and Poppy's to hide eggs and leave Tyson and Aiden their goodies!
Aiden's basket was the soccer ball, and Tyson had the basketball |
Tyson gathering up his things |
trying out his balloon making kit |
Aiden was wiped out from the crazy time on Saturday and slept in late. When he woke up he still wasn't that excited about the whole thing, but humored me in at least getting his basket....still in his "pajamas":)
It was beautiful Sunday morning, and we all went straight outside after our delicious bisquits and gravy to soak up some sun before heading back home.
Tyson giving the little guy a ride in the wagon |
takin a little break |
shooting some hoops |
check out that form! |
they even tried their skills at some golf |
Poppy showing Aiden how it's done:) |
Poppy even dug a little hole in the ground and found a flag so the boys came up with a game to see how many strokes it took to get the ball in the hole (which is called golf, I guess:) We spent about 2 hours playing outside before we had to load up for the trip back home! It was an awesome weekend, and we all had sooooo much fun! Thanks again, Grammy and Poppy for the great time. We love you guys!