Monday, May 25, 2009

Busy Weekend!

Well, as I promised, this weekend proved to be full of fun and games. We went down to Grammy and Poppy's early Saturday morning, and just got back this afternoon. The weekend was full of fun, and we even got to help Aunt Jessie celebrate her high school graduation!
We also managed to have a lot of fun along the way!

Look at those handsome cowboys!

Cade and Tyson were on the go every minute of the day! If they weren't outside playing, they were causing all sorts of chaos in the house. Aunt Megan helped out as you can see!

What can I say, you get pretty hungry after a hard day of play!

Aunt Jeannie and Dad Tyson and Cade

Saturday evening Poppy started the fire, and grilled up some really good steaks. Well, we couldn't let a good fire go to waste, so thank goodness Grammy had some marshmallows that really hit the spot!

Alexa, Brian, Kyra, Poppy, Cade, and Tyson

Tyson seemed to really enjoy the marshmallows, and even whipped together a delicious Smore!

Little man took a quick minute to pose for a picture!

It's amazing what these two can find to entertain themselves with. Nothing is off limits in their eyes. An adventure around every corner!

Jessie's graduation was on Sunday afternoon, and we went back to Grammy and Poppy's for her graduation party. Even rain couldn't spoil the celebration!
The neices and nephews: Kyra, Aiden, Jessie, Alexa, Cade, and Tyson

Brian, Megan, Jessie, Lila, Dennis, Scott, Jeannie, Abby, Alexa, Aiden, Angie, Kyra, Tyson, Cade

Just when you think it's bedtime, these two come running up the stairs!
Tyson, who are you? (to which he responds) A fireman cowboy!

There's nothing better after a long day than a cool refreshing mug of.....milk!

A little Poppy time doesn't hurt either!

Samson wanted everyone to know that he also played very hard at Grammy and Poppys, but was too tired to tell you about it! :)

Talk about a tough life!!

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