As I was saying in the previous post...we were going to end off the perfect morning with a picnic lunch at the Spearfish park before heading home for naps! The boys ran in to play while Scott and I got every one's lunches ready. Within 5 minutes I see Tyson fall down on his butt. I couldn't see what he fell from because of the angle I was sitting at. He stood up and was holding his arm as he walked towards us. He was crying, but nothing out of control. Scott went to check on him while I stayed at the picnic table with our stuff. Pretty soon they make it back to the table and Scott is telling me to pack up the stuff. It only took one look at Tyson's arm to know we would be making a trip to the Spearfish ER!!

It's not real easy to see in this picture but his right arm, down by his wrist, kinda sinks in....something it normally doesn't do!!
He was so brave through everything. He didn't even cry that much considering what he had just been through! While he was laying there he looked at us and said he was pretty sure that this was "his worst
owie ever". We both said he was probably right!!

Waiting for the Dr. to come in and let us know what they found on the X-Ray.

They splinted his arm after giving him some Tylenol with Codeine, and we were told to call Dr. Mortimer today to see about getting it casted. Oh, I guess I forgot to mention that he broke his radius bone in his arm! (See x-ray below!)

It's pretty hard to see as this is a picture of a picture, but right below the wrist you can see where the bone on the left of the picture is broke straight across and somewhat displaced to the inside of the arm!
He didn't sleep well at all last night due to pain, so I called Dr. Mortimer this morning and he said to come on in so they could cast it. We went to Black Hills
Pediactrics, but after reviewing the x-rays, he actually sent us to
BH Orthoepedics and his son (Dr. Luke Mortimer) to make sure it was casted correctly since the bone is somewhat displaced.
He again was a champ and they casted it with no problem. They x-
rayed it after, and because it is somewhat tipped he has to go back next Monday for another x-ray to make sure it doesn't move any more. If it does, they will have to remove the cast and "move" it back in the right place....
owwwww... let's just say we're all crossing are fingers that won't be the case!
Now on to the important part.....the cast color.... He chose Green for Green Bay Packers!! He had told us yesterday that he was going to pick blue, but today when he told them green he quickly looked at me and said he changed his mind to green because that was Green Bay colors, and blue would have been Broncos!!

We stopped by Dad's work to show him the cast on the way home, so he got to be the first to sign it! When we stopped to pick up
Aiden at Tara's they all signed it, so I'm thinking by the time he gets home from school tomorrow it will be tough to be able to see that the cast is even green!!

It goes up past his elbow so eating will be a bit of a challenge for this "right
hander". I'm sure he'll pick it up quick, and he might even be ambidextrous by the end of this 4-6 weeks! As for the pain....almost instantly when the cast was on he said the pain was gone! He got a little too crazy a couple times this evening, though, and was quickly reminded he still needs to take it least for a couple more days!

I'm thinking he feels better..don't you?! By the way, he fell down trying to jump up and reach the monkey bars (his favorite, or should I say used to be favorite thing). He told us while we were sitting in the ER yesterday that he wasn't "going back to that park and monkey bars ever again!!"