Monday, September 6, 2010

First Day of Kindergarten!!!

I can't believe the day arrived when my baby would go to school! The past 6 years flew by, and it was time for the next big step! He was excited up until the night before the big day, and that's when the tears started! I felt so bad for him! He just kept saying how scared he was to go to school and not have "my Mom and Dad with me!"

Thursday morning started with tears as well. Every few minutes he would be OK and we were able to make his lunch and get the last minute things packed into his school bag! We were also able to sneak a few pictures in between the tears!

Then it was time to get to school. You can see the anxiety in his face, but he stood for the picture anyway....trying so hard to be strong for his Mom and Dad.(mostly Mom since I shed my own share of tears that morning....Gee I wonder where he gets it from?!)

Doesn't he look like such a big boy?!

The parents got to play with their kids on the playground for a while until the bell rang. Then we went into the gym where we got to meet the 2 Kindergarten teachers. They had the kids sit on the floor with all the parents sitting behind them in bleachers.
They read a quick story about the first day of Kindergarten, and then they had them split up into their classes and follow their teachers to their classroom.
I was trying so hard to keep it together, but Tyson turned around one last time before walking out of the gym and burst into tears! I probably broke every rule there was, but I jumped out of the bleachers and ran over to him and gave him a big hug. I asked Mrs. Anderson (his teacher) to take extra special care of my boy, and she assured me and Tyson they would have a good day! Carsyn (the daycare gal's daughter and Tyson's good buddy) put her arm around him and they walked out of the gym! Thank goodness they are in the same class, so he at least knew someone that first day!

A few hours later after thinking about him all day at work, I left early so I could be there to pick him up after his first big day!
My heart almost burst when I saw him walk out of his classroom! He caught a glimpse of me and gave me a huge smile and wave that let me know everything would be OK!
He could hardly talk fast enough about all of the "fun stuff" they did throughout the day! In his words: "It was an awesome day Mom!!" Whew!! My baby is growing up, and I am so proud to be his Mom!! He proved to everyone, even himself, that no matter how scary something may be to do for the first time it can be done...and you come out that much stronger in the end!
We love you so much buddy! We are so proud of you, and know you will have a great first year of school!

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