Saturday, March 12, 2011

Ice Skating Adventure!

Well we finally took the plunge last night and got Aiden...and me out on the ice! We weren't so sure Aiden would go for it, but he had a blast!! Tyson jumped right out there and left the rest of us in the dust showing off all his best moves, but I must say that for Aiden and Mom's first time on the ice we did a mighty fine job!

The walkers they have for beginners were perfect for Aiden and me. I held up top to help while I got a feel for the ice, and Aiden held on to the cross bar and took off like he had been doing it all his life!
This is a blurry picture, but I just love Aiden's face. He literally had a "perma-grin" the entire time we were out on the ice!!

Then there's the expert Tyson. He and Dad used their time on the ice working on skating backwards. By the end of the night Tyson was actually making quite a bit of progress!

Even without shin guards Tyson enjoyed falling to the ice for fun....

and then there was a little "monkey-see, monkey-do" who would quickly fall to the ice as soon as he saw brother do it...all the while squealing and laughing with excitement yelling: "I fall down!"

By the end of the night he was able to hop back up on his feet pretty quickly. It was definitely good practice, I think, at improving on his balance!

One of the trips around the ice Aiden squealed out: "WHOAAA! I'm skating!!" He was so proud of himself...and so were Mom and Dad!

By the end of the night he was even able to keep his balance pushing the walker by himself...amazing!

The Zamboni came out after about an hour of skating to re-surface the ice, so we were all able to take a little break and re-charge for the next round of skating.

My 3 boys chillin!

Skating can really wear a guy out!

Tyson kept a close eye on the Zamboni...and was one of the first in line to get back out on the ice as soon as it was done!

Look....all by his big boy self!

I have a feeling it won't be very long at all before both boys leave Mom and Dad in the dust while they go off together racing around the ice. I also have a fairly good feeling we had better start saving a little more money to help fund a 2nd hockey player in the very near future!! I guess only time will tell:)

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