Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Operation...Worm Relocation

Aiden found a whole slew of worms that were trying to survive in the sand/dirt along the corner of the road. With all of the crazy rain we've been having, these poor little guys apparently became stranded. Tyson and Aiden worked together to gather them and then Aiden transported them in the back of his tricycle over to my little flower bed give them a new home!
Gathering what survivors they could find...
Aiden moving them to their new home....
He's just a wee-little guy...
And lastly....planting them in the nice soft dirt....
Don't they look happy?! Job well done boys!!

Kindergarten Graduation

Last Thursday Tyson had his Kindergarten graduation. He was pretty is fairly evident in the pictures, but he toughed it out and did a great job! The theme was "Stars", so a lot of the songs had to do with stars.
Walking in..notice the cute little star-wand....thingies.
This was a few songs in to the program...he's starting to loosen up a little.

Looking pretty serious....
Mrs. Anderson made a slide show with each of the kids' picture and their name along with what they wanted to be when they grow up...Tyson said he wanted to be a doctor...that's my boy!!

Dad stood off to the side so he could get a clear shot with the video camera. Aiden decided he'd better go help him out.
The Stagebarn school principal...Ethan Dschaak.
Mrs. Anderson (Tyson's teacher) giving him his "graduation certificate".
My boy showing off his certificate....upside down....but whatever!
Tyson with Mrs. Anderson. She was an absolutely wonderful teacher. She was so patient, and really helped Tyson with his anxiety and fears that he had at the beginning of the year. We were so lucky to have her helping him find his way through that first "scary" year of school.
Tyson and Carsyn (our babysitter's youngest daughter). These two are practically connected at the hip!

Tyson, Grandma....and some crazy kid...aka-Aiden:)
Great Grandma and Great Grandpa were even able to come share in the special day.

Tyson with "Grandma Zona" (she volunteered in the other Kindergarten class and the kids call her Grandma Zona) Her husband was the Pastor who married Grandma Brenda and Grandpa Lyle. She recognized Grandma and Great Grandma right away...really cool.
Elijah, Aidyn, and Tyson...these are two of Tyson's really good buddies...they were all in the same class.
We are so proud of you. Mrs. Anderson always had so many good things to say about you. She even went as far to tell us you were a "model student". You grew up a lot over the past year. You went from being so scared and shy that first day of school to running off to find your friends when Dad would drop you off with just a wave and a smile. We can't wait to see what your future holds....We love you buddy!
Mom, Dad, and Aiden

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Stagebarn Ralley Day

On Friday May 13th Stagebarn school had their "rally day". I was at Mayo clinic for meetings for work, so Dad caught the day with some pictures. The weather was not all that in cold and cloudy, but it sounds like they still had a great time!

A lot of the games they moved in side, so as to avoid the cold weather outside until later in the morning.
They finally moved outside for the rest of the games...

Check out that jump!
A little tug-of-war.
Having a little lunch before heading home for the day. It sounds like despite the weather-fun was had by all.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Mother's Day

On Mother's Day we decided to enjoy the beautiful weather and go check out Bear Country and Reptile Gardens. Grandma Brenda rode with us, and Aunt Marla and Uncle Tony and the boys had Grandpa Duke and Grandma Peg with them. Brad and Trixie and their family also drove up from Custer to enjoy all of the animals. We were there first thing in the morning, and all of the animals were out and about enjoying the weather themselves.

This poor guy looked a little rough...only 1 good eye left.

As usual, the bears were every one's favorite. There were a lot of them and they were lounging and roaming around all over.

Once you drive through the park you can walk around and see all of the baby animals.

This guy greeted us as we started the tour.
The baby bears were the cutest things ever. There were so many of them, and they were constantly dog-piling each other and sucking on each other's ears. They were aparantly 3 months old, but they were still missing their mommies....they just cried and cried looking at all of the people as if they were asking us to help them get back to their homes!

Mama with her boys!

Look!! It's the Three Bears....
After Bear Country we went to Reptile Gardens to see what fun we could find.
Who knew Grandma Brenda was wanted by the law?!
This guy looks like trouble!
Tyson and Aiden hanging out with the old man in the out house!
I hope Grandma is the designated "rider"....those 2 boys don't look in any shape to be "riding"...even their horses appear to be pretty worried:)
Checkin out the cute little prairie dogs....
Uh-oh!!! Look out little fella...Dad has you in his sights.....

Checking out the giant tortoises
Aiden and Mason found the huge sand box while we watched the snake show.

We finished off the day with a picnic lunch at the park with Janet, Jason, and the boys. It was a perfect day to be outside enjoying all of the sights. We all had a lot of fun, and I know I really enjoyed being able to spend it with my two favorite boys... who also just so happen to make me the luckiest Mom EVER!!