Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Kindergarten Graduation

Last Thursday Tyson had his Kindergarten graduation. He was pretty is fairly evident in the pictures, but he toughed it out and did a great job! The theme was "Stars", so a lot of the songs had to do with stars.
Walking in..notice the cute little star-wand....thingies.
This was a few songs in to the program...he's starting to loosen up a little.

Looking pretty serious....
Mrs. Anderson made a slide show with each of the kids' picture and their name along with what they wanted to be when they grow up...Tyson said he wanted to be a doctor...that's my boy!!

Dad stood off to the side so he could get a clear shot with the video camera. Aiden decided he'd better go help him out.
The Stagebarn school principal...Ethan Dschaak.
Mrs. Anderson (Tyson's teacher) giving him his "graduation certificate".
My boy showing off his certificate....upside down....but whatever!
Tyson with Mrs. Anderson. She was an absolutely wonderful teacher. She was so patient, and really helped Tyson with his anxiety and fears that he had at the beginning of the year. We were so lucky to have her helping him find his way through that first "scary" year of school.
Tyson and Carsyn (our babysitter's youngest daughter). These two are practically connected at the hip!

Tyson, Grandma....and some crazy kid...aka-Aiden:)
Great Grandma and Great Grandpa were even able to come share in the special day.

Tyson with "Grandma Zona" (she volunteered in the other Kindergarten class and the kids call her Grandma Zona) Her husband was the Pastor who married Grandma Brenda and Grandpa Lyle. She recognized Grandma and Great Grandma right away...really cool.
Elijah, Aidyn, and Tyson...these are two of Tyson's really good buddies...they were all in the same class.
We are so proud of you. Mrs. Anderson always had so many good things to say about you. She even went as far to tell us you were a "model student". You grew up a lot over the past year. You went from being so scared and shy that first day of school to running off to find your friends when Dad would drop you off with just a wave and a smile. We can't wait to see what your future holds....We love you buddy!
Mom, Dad, and Aiden

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