Monday, April 23, 2012

Kid's Fair!

The annual Kid's Fair was this last weekend and the boys were excited to go check out all of the "fun stuff" it had to offer!

Tyson had to show off his strength with the Bungee cord.  It has become one of his favorite things to do there.


Scotterin' around!

Aiden digging for fossils.

Aiden working on spelling....must be in Dutch! :)

Both of the boys making Grandpa Lyle proud by showing off their golfing skills! :)

You know that no outing would be complete without a little hockey!  The boys did this several times!  Aiden really impressed the girls with his hockey stance and "serious swing"!  He was all business!!

Hunting...taking aim!

Aiden seeing what he can find for supper! :)
The boys had a blast!  Aunt Marla, Mason, and Cooper were also at the fair, and I think it's safe to say that everyone had fun! 

Friday, April 20, 2012

Happy Birthday Aiden!!

Aiden turned 4 years old on April 13th! I can't believe my baby is already 4! He's growing up way to fast for his Mama! He couldn't wait to open his present up from us as soon as he got up on Friday morning.
Him and Tyson LOVE hockey (certainly not groundbreaking news!:), and big brother has a hockey "power band" that him and all of his hockey buddies wore during their season.  Tyson thought it would be a good idea to get brother one...after all...he is planning on playing hockey this fall, so at least he'll be ready for it!

Showing off his hockey "power band"!!

Friday evening we had Tony and the boys come over to help celebrate his birthday (Aunt Marla had to work late)  Grandma Brenda still has a problem with buying the boys an insane amount of presents...mostly clothes that are sooo very much appreciated...after boys are "all boy" and have a natural knack for wearing through their wardrobe very quickly!

Of course, she also buys them "fun" stuff too.  Mason checking out the new remote control car Aiden got from Grandma.

The two brothers and their power bands.

We even lit some candles and took turns blowing out candles after we sang Happy Birthday.

Saturday he had his "friend" party...and where else but....Chuck E. Cheese!!!  He had been talking for months about how he wanted his party at there, so we bit the bullet and gave in! :)  It actually turned out really well, and all of the kids had a great time!!

Two of Tyson's hockey teammates/friends have little brothers around the same age as Aiden, so they would spend the many hockey practices playing together....running up/down/around the bleachers.  We were very happy that they were both able to come and bring their older brothers so Tyson had his buddies to play with too!  The cute blondie above is Colton...I have no idea who the other boy is:)

Tyson with Colton's older brother...Caleb...notice the "powerbands" :)

The birthday boy....cheezin it up!

Since Marla didn't make me a cake:)  I had to fend for myself...the cupcakes actually turned out pretty cute, and they got to keep the truck as a little something extra.

Aiden with his best buddy from daycare...Trevor.

Chowin down on some cupcakes and ice cream.  On the right from back to front is:  Mason, Parker (the other hockey buddy), and Colton.

Tyson playing air hockey with Parker's older brother and Tyson's hockey teammate/friend...Landon

Tyson, Aiden, and Trevor playing a little skee ball.

Aiden opening all of his cool presents from his friends.

I think we've maybe been to too many Rush hockey player signings...Tyson has this thing with wanting to write on all of his shirts...just like the hockey players, I guess!:)  Anyway, he begged to write "Happy Birthday Aiden" on one of his shirts so he could wear it to the party.  How can you say no to such a sweet gesture.:)  We let him use one of his old soccer shirts, and  he was sooo proud to show it off!

The boys played for a good 2 hours before we finally wrapped it up and went home!  Everyone seemed to have a lot of fun, and Aiden had a blast getting to celebrate his birthday with some of his best friends! 

Thanks again to everyone who came to help celebrate our boy!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Happy Easter!

Amy and Terry invited all the family to their new house just outside of Howard for Easter. The boys had been counting down the days for weeks! They couldn't wait to go to Uncle Terry's so they could ride in the big tractor! I don't think we had been there an hour when Uncle Terry fulfilled their wish and they got to ride with him in the big red tractor to work up the field right next to their house.

Tyson is holding Flat Stanley...Drew had sent him to Grandma Brenda so she could take him on some adventures, and then send him back with pictures of all of the fun stuff he was able to do.
Uncle Dan makes these awesome horse shoe wall hangings, and he was kind enough to make one for us, so we could give it to Terry and Amy for their housewarming gift. They absolutely loved it!
The boys were also obsessed with their hot tub! Friday night we took a dip with Mason, Heidi, Colt, and Zoey. There was a total of 8 of us in there at 1 time and the kids still had plenty of room to swim and splash around! First thing Saturday the boys wanted to go back out in it. Unfortunately, it was probably only in the 40's with the wind blowing about 30 mph. I think they lasted a total of 5 minutes before they realized it wasn't nearly as much fun as the night before and quickly got back out.
Amy had gotten all of the kids these sand pails with goodies inside. Leave it to these 2 silly boys to wear them as hats! :)
Saturday morning we drove into Howard where they had an Easter egg hunt. Because of the cold windy conditions it was held inside...and it wasn't so much of an "egg hunt", but a "pick up all the candy on the floor as fast as possible"...hunt! :)
Waiting patiently for them to give the go-ahead to grab the candy.
Tyson was all over it, and flew around the gym floor throwing candy in his bucket. Aiden had a bit of a slower start, but brought it on strong in the end! :)

Showing off the goods...
All of the cousins with their Easter goodies.
Aiden and his stash...
Tony's birthday was on Saturday, so Marla made a cake and we celebrated on Saturday night.
Sunday morning we discovered that the Easter Bunny did indeed find his way to Uncle Terry's and Aunt Amy's!
We all went to church Sunday morning...this was our sad attempt at a family picture before we left.
After church the Dad's had the HUGE job of spreading out all of the Easter eggs that Grandma Brenda filled with goodies. It's in the hundreds...and definitely kept all of the kids busy for quite awhile!

The eggs were hidden everywhere!!

After the egg hunt came the task of opening up all of the eggs to see what was hidden inside!

After a delicious lunch, it was time to pack back up and make the 4 and 1/2 hour trip back home. The boys were sad to have to go...there were so many other things they were hoping to do out on the farm:) We decided that just gives us all the more reason to go back down this summer...for more fun and games!! Thanks again Amy and Terry for a great time!