Sunday, April 1, 2012

Happy Birthday Mason!

Mason celebrated his 4th birthday a couple weeks late since Cooper was sick when his 1st one was supposed to be. It certainly didn't damper the party spirit! The weather was amazing, and all of the kids had a blast playing outside, and most importantly, riding 4-wheelers!

Marla made his cake and did an awesome job! I wanted to hire her out to make Aiden's but she wasn't jumping at that chance, so I guess I'll have to fend for myself! :)

There were a few games set up in the garage that the boys started off playing, but the fun soon moved to outside where the 4-wheeler was. Mason got his very own for his birthday and all of the kids took turns taking if for spins around the driveway.

Aiden loves their little Hummer, so he started off in it...until the battery ran out. : (
Mason chasing Aiden down the driveway!

Tyson had a blast on the 4-wheeler! He picked it up really quick...the only problem was that he was probably on the upper end of the weight limit and had a bit of trouble making it up the small incline in their driveway. He didn't mind though...he quickly learned how to compensate and went around like a pro!

Aiden, on the other hand, had some learning to do. It was tough to remember to keep his thumb "gently" on the gas, instead of pushing it periodically...resulting in him "jerking" around the loop.:)
Needless to say....Dad kept pretty close to him to ensure a safe trip!

All the cousins getting ready to sing "Happy Birthday" to Mason.
After cake and ice cream it was time for the "big" 4-wheelers to come out, and the Dads took the kids on a quick ride around the neighborhood.
It was a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon! Happy Birthday Mason!

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