Sunday, July 7, 2013

Happy 4th of July!

Scott had to work the 4th of July, so the boys and I joined Grandma Brenda and Marla, Tony, and the boys at the Piedmont parade.  Aiden was sporting his headphones from Poppy (a lifesaver, by the way:)
Waiting for the parade to start

 After the parade we went up to Marla's for lunch and to hang out for a while.  Tony's sister and kids were there so they all jumped in the hot tub for a little swim after lunch.
Aiden, Tyson, Braden, Brylee, and Mason

 After hot tubbin they decided they needed to do some outdoor sports!
Tyson started with the self-propelled model

Aiden and his ride

 Next up was the "big 4 wheelers".
Braden and Tyson

Aiden looks all ready to go

Aiden trying out Mason's 4 wheeler

Tyson has it all figured out, and did a really good job driving this big guy all buy himself!
 Scott made it home around 2pm, and we made it home a little after 3pm...just in time to get a little rest in and head out to the Chisolm's house for their annual 4th of July party!  They had told us it gets a little crazy since the Valley is about the only place where fireworks aren't banned...and they definitely take advantage of it!
Tyson lighting a firecracker

Scott lighting the gigantic string of firecrackers from our neighbor, Bob.  He thought the boys needed some more fireworks, and really loaded them up before we went out to the Chisolm's!

Too bad we didn't record the it was loud!!

the aftermath!

Aiden sporting his headphones...again!!

There were a lot of people there...and a lot of kids!  It was tough keeping track of everyone, and making sure they were all being safe

Captin of the Rush (Scott Wray) and Greg.  There may have been alcohol involved:)

Tyson and his best hockey buddy...Duncan

The fireworks were amazing...and absolutely everywhere!  They definitely do go all out in the valley!

One of the thousands of fireworks that was set off that night!
 One of Scott Wray's buddies showed up with his entire truck bed filled with fireworks!  He apparently had bought out an entire fireworks stand, and had well over $2,000 of fireworks that he was ready to light!  We were able to see most of them, but left before the big finale since Scott had to get up at 3am to work on Friday. 

The boys had a great time, and it was amazing to see all of the fireworks! We can't wait until next year when the 4th is on a Friday and noone will have to work the next day! You can bet we will be heading to the Chisolm's again for a great show!

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