Saturday, August 15, 2009

Happy Birthday!!

It's seems like only yesterday I was smacking your dad on the shoulder telling him I thought it was time to go to the hospital. In actuality, it was five years ago - August 14, 2004. Within two hours from my first contraction you were born! You were 6 weeks early, and just a little peanut-only 5lbs 12oz.

NOTE: We didn't have a digital camera back in the day, so please forgive the fuzzy pics, as it was the best I could do taking pictures of the pictures!!

You were our first born son, and the apple of your dad's eye! Or should I say his future head-bangin buddy!(notice the Metallica shirt)

Before we knew it that first year flew by, and you were celebrating your first birthday!!

How cute were you?!!

The years continued to fly by, and the cuter you got! Being a biker guy is one thing you have always enjoyed. It won't be long before you're drivin the ladies wild! (Did I just say that?!!)

You have always loved the camera, and I will never forget your favorite CHEEZZ! smile!!

Remeber what I said about that biker guy thing? The shorts really make the outfit, though!
You were our only child for 3 and a half years, and I must admit I was a bit nervous about you having to share Mommy and Daddy time with your little bro! Did you surprise us, though! You have been the best big bro and Mommy's/Daddy's little helper anyone could ask for!
We are so proud of you and love you so very much! We can't wait to see what the next few years have in store. However, just make sure you don't grow up too fast! And remember that you'll always be our "Bubba" no matter how big you get!
We love you! Happy Birthday!
Dad, Mom, and Aiden

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