Tuesday, August 25, 2009


This last weekend we went camping for the first time with the two boys! That's right-we're crazy-what were we thinking?! All I can say is it's a good thing we only spent Saturday night in the tent, because two nights would have sent me to the crazy bin! Tyson did awesome-he was so exhausted by Saturday night that he slept like a rock all night, even through his brother's crying, screaming, whining--oh wait- maybe the whining was from me?! In Aiden's (and mine) defense, it was really cold in the tent and easily made us a bit cranky. Not to mention that Aiden didn't get a nap on Saturday, because there was apparantly too many fun things to do, so he was over-tired which is never a good thing

That aside though, and it was an awesome weekend, and we are very thankful to cousin Heidi and Randy for inviting us to join in on the fun! Thanks again ! They have a pontoon and the boys loved the boat, and loved being pulled in the intertube even more!!

Check out these two handsome fellas! Good thing it was a huge lake and plenty of open water for the boys to drive the boat for a while!

I don't know about you-but I think someone is a little tired! I mean really-where is the signature "CHEEEESE" we've come to know and love?!

Uncle Tony took the boys for a little ride around the campsite while supper was cooking Saturday night.

The camera didn't do this justice. Aiden had a smile on his face from ear to ear! Both of the boys had a blast on the tube, and if given the chance would have stayed on it all day long!

Diggin in some rocks with Aunt Di.

Tyson and Dad tried their luck with some fishing, with zero luck, but that doesn't mean it still wasn't a ton of fun!

Big surprise to find Tyson on the tube again-this time with cousin Randy and Colt.

Hey cutie!

There's the "CHEEESE" we love!

Another great weekend for the books! It was wonderful spending time in the great outdoors! (Let's just forget about the 7 hours of horror we call Saturday night!) Seriously, though, the boys had so much fun, and it was great to do something different together!

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