Sunday, July 4, 2010

Blog Palooza!! Take 1:Abby's Graduation

Talk about a little bit of a blog break! Where has the last month and a half gone? Here's to trying to catch back up on what has been keeping us so busy the past few weeks. Scott's youngest sister,Abby, graduated from high school 5/23/10. Everyone was back for the big celebration and we had a ton of fun!

Outdoor activities are always our favorite, and shooting hoops and riding in the wagon were at the top of the to-do list!

Cade was a good wagon puller. Aiden could have been pulled around all day on that thing.

Talk about making his mama proud-our future Air Jordan some day?

Yep-Aiden's still happy as a lark on the wagon!


Just takin a little break from the action.
Not to be outdone-the "big boys" had to get in on the hoop action!

Sweet move dad!

That evening we had a weenie roast around the fire. We laughed, told stories, and probably drove the neighbors nuts with our crazy shenanigans! We had a good time, though, and that's all that really matters!

Little guy had to make sure and get in on the action!

Just sitting around the campfire!

No campfire is complete without a little Smore action!!

I think Aiden liked them-how about you?!

Big Bro enjoyed a few himself!

Cade went for the "fire" roasted marshmallows!

The boys got in a little scooter time before bed!

Sunday morning we went with Brian, Jeanie, Kyra, and Cade to tour the Bluffs. We didn't have Aiden's stroller, so we didn't make it all the way to the top, but we all had fun none the less.

It was pretty warm that day and a fairly steep climb, but we all made it back down-even with a rattlesnake siting! Thank God it was towards the end of the trail, so I only had to freak out for a few minutes!

Sunday evening was Abby's graduation. We tried to get family pictures before we went to the big event, but little guy was having no part of it!

The nieces and nephews with Aunt Abbie. Oh yeah, and Scott, since Aiden was being so cooperative!

Scott and his little sister Abby!

The proud parents!

Aiden made sure to congratulate Abby on her accomplishment!

Feel the love! Congratulations Abby! We are very proud of you! It was a wonderful weekend for all of us!

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