Where did Tyson go?
Oh, wait a minute...I think I see him!
Look at this excited bunch waiting for the parade to start!
Uh-oh, I think the Fire Trucks might be coming. It was only a couple minutes later when Aiden and Grandma had to go in to the gift shop behind us for the rest of the parade. He was having no part of those "loud" Fire trucks. I guess he has some really sensitive ears!
Tyson wasn't taking any chances either....this is pretty much how he stood the whole parade. It didn't seem to slow him down any, though. We still came home with a sack-full of candy!
The Venjohn's waiting for some more candy!
"I think I can still hear the Fire trucks Dad."
All of the boys had a lot of fun down at Grandma's getting to play with each other. One of the highlights had to be the grasshopper hunting on Grandma's front deck. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of that (actually, probably a good thing!) Let's just say the beasts had moved in so we armed the boys with fly swatters and they had a hay-day!! Anything they can do to help out Grandma!!
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