Sunday, August 22, 2010


We figured since it was supposed to be 100 degrees today, we might as well go crazy and spend it outside playing mini golf!! We actually went this morning, and between the breeze and all of the shade from the trees it wasn't that bad at all. We actually had a really good time!

Aiden took a little while to warm up to the idea...see picture below!

It only took a couple of holes, though, and out came the club a swingin!!

Amazingly he didn't lose the ball in the water. Tyson had a bit of a mishap, however, when his ball hopped over into the water. Thanks to Dad though, who risked his dry clothes to go rescue it from going over one of the waterfalls! Way to go Dad!!

As I was saying...Dad still golfing with dry clothes!!

Tyson did really well, and was so close to getting a hole in 1. He'll be all over it next time!

Yep, your ball is supposed to go in that hole!!

Look, there it goes again!!
Aiden, in his usual style, was not having any posed pictures. Tyson, in his usual style, was!!!!

Instead....I had to sneak up on the little guy to catch any pictures!

Little guy was starting to get pretty hot by the end, so was taking a little break to try and cool off!
We made it through the course without over heating, and were even lucky enough to win a free game and a dollar off per person coupon for the next time we go....can't wait!!
The boys got a treasure bag when we left..could you tell!! AAARGH!!

Oh, I almost forgot to mention that Mom was the big winner with Tyson coming in second! I guess we all know where that leaves Dad in the standings!! It's OK...better luck next time Dad!! We'll be ready for the re-match!!

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