Sunday, August 14, 2011

Week at Grandma's

The boys always spend the week of rally down at Grandma's house since our daycare is closed for the week. I went down on Tuesday after work and took Marla's boys with me. Wednesday we went in to the Drug big surprise, but this time we got to look for gold!
Getting ready for the big you can see, Aiden isn't so sure this is a good idea just yet!
The boys all wore helmets with a little light in front. They then led us in to a room that was pitch black and they had to use their helmets to look around and find the gems and gold that were hidden all over the room.
Look...Aiden already found one!
Thanks to a good flash these pictures actually came out.
"Look what I found Mom!"
Tyson made the biggest haul, and was very proud of his hard work!

After the treasure hunt we snuck in a few pictures with the animals...

Wednesday afternoon Aunt Diane, Shasta and all the kids came in to go to the pool (cousin Collin and Rachel were staying with Aunt Di for the week). Before going to the pool we had a little birthday party for Tyson.

Talk about some good teamwork!
Grandma successfully made it through the week, but I'm pretty sure she's enjoying some much needed rest and relaxation today! Thanks Grandma for playing with the boys for the week. They had a lot of fun!

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