Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!!!!!

We started the Halloween weekend with a party at Jeb and Codi's house Saturday night. The whole family dressed up, and we had a great time!! We just walked to their of the wonderful perks of living only 5 houses away!

Codi had a Halloween back-drop set up downstairs and was taking every one's picture in their costumes. Great idea!!
What do ya think?....Christmas card material???? Yeah, maybe not! For those of you wondering Scott was a "Chick Magnet" He had little chicks on his shirt....clever, huh?! I was one of the Beauty school angels from Grease. CCI had a big Halloween party on Friday and the group of us in research dressed up as the Beauty School drop out scene. We were complete with Frenchie, Frankie Avalon, and 3 other angels that looked just like me. I know, just doesn't look as good when I'm by myself. Oh well! Tyson was a pirate-ARGH!! and Aiden was Thomas the Train-Toot-Toot!!
We tried getting a group picture of all the kids...easier said then done. As usual, Aiden is missing from the group. One of these days we will get him convinced that posing for pictures isn't that bad of a deal!
The little guy in front (Trista and Jessie's boy-Jet) wasn't all that convinced the picture was a good idea either!:)

Tonight we set out on foot to go Trick or Treating. Aiden had been practicing all day for this moment. He had "cold feet" to start out, but after about 5 houses where Tyson had to go solo he jumped right in there!

The weather was perfect-no wind...a crisp autumn night!

By about 7pm the sidewalks were packed!

There is always the same house that goes absolutely overboard decorating for every holiday. Halloween was no exception. They had this cool blow-up house the kids got to walk through to get up to their front door, not to mention the million decorative spooks in their yard and on their deck!

Aiden was a trooper and walked the whole way. We were out for about an hour and a half before both boys decided they had enough candy and were ready to come back home and take a closer look at their "treats"!

Not bad! That should hold us over until next year........ I mean week! :)

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Carving/Playing in Pumpkins!

Last night was the big night we had been waiting for! Carving pumpkins! Unless you were Aiden....then it was more like playing with the pumpkin goo!! Hey, whatever toots your horn!

Tyson has always been a little wigged out by the pumpkin "guts", but not last night baby! He dove right in there like a champ!

Dad and Tyson worked feverishly carving the pumpkins...Aiden was just chillin at first having a little snack!
OK, enough was time for Aiden to do his thing......
Meanwhile, Tyson finished his pumpkin. He wanted a "scary one." I think he succeeded, don't you?!
I'm not sure who's scarier!
Aiden working carefully on his own little project!

"Let's see what I can do with this stuff!"

Since Aiden was quite obviously busy, Tyson offered to carve his pumpkin for him. What a nice big bro!

Tough work!

Tyson with the finished product!
Sorry, Aiden was being camera shy....again!!!

Kindergarten Fall Party!

This past Thursday was Tyson's class party. I was able to take the afternoon off from work so I could go. We also made cookies on Wednesday to take to the party!

As you can see, there was no shortage of sugar!

They started with a cute craft where they made a little bat. Very fun!

You can see Tyson's finished product sitting in front of him on the table.

The next activity was the ever so popular: Pin the nose on the Pumpkin!

Going in for the "stick"!

Not bad!!

The finished product.....

The final game was a bit like a "cake walk". Mrs. Anderson had pumpkin cut-outs with letters from the alphabet on them placed all around the room. She played Halloween music while the kids danced and walked around. When she stopped the music they had to quickly find a letter to stand on. She then drew a letter out of a pumpkin basket and whoever was standing on that letter got a ring pop. Anyone who didn't win a ring pop during the game got one at the end!
"I wonder what letter she will pick?"
It was a fun afternoon, and I'm so glad I was able to be a part of it! That's the wonderful thing about my job-it truly is very flexible. I'm sure I will look into attending his other parties he has throughout the year!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Dinosaur Park!

We've made it tradition to visit the Dinosaur Park the same day as the NICU Party. This year was no exception. We made a quick stop to check out all the "Dino's" before finishing off the fun day with a Rush Hockey game!

Aiden,as usual, was tough to tie down to get a picture of......

Running up the hill with Grandma.....

Oh, hey, what do ya know...caught him doing his "chicken wing" dance!!

Snuck up on him again!

I believe that may even be a "CHEEESE"!

As I was saying....we finished the day with supper at Applebee's and then the Rush game (no pictures this time). They didn't win, but we had fun anyway!

NICU Halloween Party!

Saturday was the annual NICU Halloween party, and since both of the boys spent their first few days of life in the NICU we were cordially invited to attend. Grandma was up for the day, so she was able to go to the party with us!

McDonald's always supplies fun treats to enjoy! This year it consisted of Apple Dippers, milk, pretzels, cheese sticks, and Rice Krispy Treats!

Aiden loves apple dippers!


Tyson made his rounds with the games they had set up.

He's become pretty darn good with his left hand!

Aiden wasn't much for the games. Instead, he and Grandma cruised around checking everything out! They also managed to find some popcorn which kept him pretty content!