Tyson had his follow-up check-up and X-ray with Dr. Luke Mortimer yesterday to make sure the bone hadn't shifted anymore since being cast a week ago. Well, I'm thinking we need to buy a lottery ticket, because he was one of the lucky 10% of patients where the bone did move..a lot..so we were at the hospital this morning at 5:30 am.
Dr. Mortimer needed to take the old cast off and perform a closed reduction to place the bones back in line with each other. He said that there was a very slim chance that he would need to place a pin in order to keep the bones straight. Since the bone had already started healing back together (wrong, of course) they needed to sedate him for the procedure, re-break it, and set it correctly! Thank God the pin wasn't needed, and the bones went back nicely with just the closed reduction. We have the x-rays to prove it!!
Just got back to pre-op holding and changed. He was still pretty happy and
unaware of what all was to come!
Because of his size, he was apparently too big to receive oral Versed (what they usually give kids to help them relax), and they didn't need to place an IV so he was "wide awake" until they took him back to the OR room....not cool when you're only 6 and scared to death of leaving Mom and Dad!
Looking cool in our blue hat!!
They explained to Tyson that when they got him back to the OR room they would put a mask over his face that had "Goofy Gas" that he would breathe and would make him fall asleep into dreamland! At first it sounded pretty cool...
The more staff that came in to explain what they would be doing, though, the more nervous he became. The last 20 minutes were spent crying and clinging to my arm for dear life. He was so brave! Can you blame a guy for being scared to be taken away from his parents when you have no idea who's taking you, where they're taking you, and what exactly they're going to do to you when they get you there!!
They literally had to pry his fingers away from my arm to wheel him down the hallway to the OR. All the while he was yelling for me not to let him go! Rip... My... Heart... Out!!
It was only about 30 minutes before Dr. Mortimer came out to let us know he was done and everything went well. He showed us the x-rays of the bone back in the place it should be and said that he would be "very surprised" if a pin would be needed to hold it in place. We go back October 15th for another x-ray to make sure. Start praying now!!
The hospital unfortunately has no taste at all and have only "white" casting material! Seriously?! Dr. Mortimer wrapped it with green Kerlex so for now it is green...until the Kerlex quickly wears off! We have already discussed, though, that we could write "Go Rush" in red marker, since they sometimes wear white Jerseys with the red logo. Tyson thought that sounded like a pretty good idea!
New and improved "straight" arm! Dr. Mortimer said this cast would stay on for 4 weeks at which time a shorter cast will probably be placed for another 2 weeks. After the cast is removed it will be another month of being "very careful" so as to not re-brake it. I don't think he really realizes who he's talking to. Apparently he doesn't know Tyson! I may have to invest in some bubble wrap before the cast comes off:)
He came back to the post op holding room crying and complaining of a lot of pain! He sat on my lap while they monitored him for about 20 minutes. He just kept saying how he wanted to go home, so they finally gave us the green light. They had given him Tylenol 3 as soon as he woke up back in the OR, so it was just a matter of time to let it kick in. The minute he got in the wheel chair to be wheeled out he stopped crying. He was so relieved to be going home!
His stomach didn't appreciate the "Goofy Gas", though, and he got sick on the way home. He is such a trooper, though. Within an hour of getting home he was back to talking a mile a minute about the "Goofy Gas" and how bad it tasted. Oh, and about how he never wants to have that done again! Buddy, I'm right there with ya!!
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