Saturday, October 30, 2010

Kindergarten Fall Party!

This past Thursday was Tyson's class party. I was able to take the afternoon off from work so I could go. We also made cookies on Wednesday to take to the party!

As you can see, there was no shortage of sugar!

They started with a cute craft where they made a little bat. Very fun!

You can see Tyson's finished product sitting in front of him on the table.

The next activity was the ever so popular: Pin the nose on the Pumpkin!

Going in for the "stick"!

Not bad!!

The finished product.....

The final game was a bit like a "cake walk". Mrs. Anderson had pumpkin cut-outs with letters from the alphabet on them placed all around the room. She played Halloween music while the kids danced and walked around. When she stopped the music they had to quickly find a letter to stand on. She then drew a letter out of a pumpkin basket and whoever was standing on that letter got a ring pop. Anyone who didn't win a ring pop during the game got one at the end!
"I wonder what letter she will pick?"
It was a fun afternoon, and I'm so glad I was able to be a part of it! That's the wonderful thing about my job-it truly is very flexible. I'm sure I will look into attending his other parties he has throughout the year!

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